Wednesday 17 October 2018

The first transaction

Ok let's do the first transaction... But to whom I can send money? Hm... at this moment I have no reliable recipients except may be one - it's me!  Said -  done:

I've made the second wallet on MyEtherWallet:


than went to my first wallet and sent 0.000000368 ETH to the new wallet. Than I waited for a couple minutes and magic:

Account balance of the new wallet was: 0.0 ETH and has become: 0.000000368 ETH. Account balance of mine first wallet was: 0.033151368 ETH and has become... 0.03229 ETH. Hm why the balace has become less than I expected: 0.033151 ETH ?!!! Where is my 0,000861 ETH ?
I look at the description of transaction and it says:

Gas Limit: 21000
Gas Price: 41 GWEI (0.000000041 ETH)
Max TX Fee: 0.000861 ETH (861000 GWEI)

A-a-a I found my 0.000861 ETH  - it is "Max TX Fee", but what it means? It costs 233967% from amount of transaction: 0,000861 / (0.000000368 / 100) What the F?!!! New Big question and I'll try to to understand tomorrow...

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